Reclamation and Retention

Reclamation & Retention: Transcendent Step “Just Do It”

Brothers of AlphaEAST, I hope this message finds you both mentally and physically well. In my short time within our Fraternity and my countless hours of reading our documents for knowledge and understanding I have realized one thing; that we truly do have the answers. While I attempt to do my part, I am very aware that I am not really saying anything that has not been said before, or thought of, or considered....

Organizational Interest Created by Self-Invested Capital

This message is a request for assistance from every Brother who may read or receive this message. Those involved in Reclamation & Retention efforts understand more why Brothers become inactive when they attempt to reclaim and retain each. It would seem the work of Alpha is a thankless job, with unnecessary obstacles involving brothers who refuse to execute the most minute task which would help to ensure everything falls into place. In short, it would...

Be Wary of Being too Political

“Aim to cut out too much politics in the selection of your chapter officers. Select only those Brother for nomination who possess qualities of leadership, scholarship and character that you will feel proud in having them as leaders. Get rid of the machine politics whereby so many chapters are handicapped in carrying out any kind of program, which program would always react to the glory fame of dear old Alpha Phi Alpha. This latter...

Service Above Self

“Brothers do not make the mistake of stressing the need of their returning merely to help out in some financial program…Far be such an idea. Let the Brother be persuaded by personal visits and talks to come out and see for himself what a wonderful thing it is to be a part of Alpha Phi Alpha whose efforts live forever. It is going to take much work, much wise thought and planning, many sacrifices,...

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving corona virus (COVID-19) has imposed an upsetting, fluid situation upon our fraternity, region, chapters, families, communities, business and the world. While the leaders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Eastern Region aim to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we urge you to protect yourself and your love ones by practicing social distancing. #StayHome