Reclamation and Retention

Eastern Region Reclamation and Retention A.L.P.H.A. as a Way of Life

As we move Alpha Forward I would encourage you to join me as we work to Reclaim and Retain our Brothers. Please help to ensure that the fire for our “Dear A-Phi-A” continues to burn bright in those who diligently toil to “Hold High the Name” , while reigniting and stoking the flame in the hearts of those who have become disenfranchised from the Fraternity. With this in mind I am requesting that each Brother,...

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving corona virus (COVID-19) has imposed an upsetting, fluid situation upon our fraternity, region, chapters, families, communities, business and the world. While the leaders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Eastern Region aim to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we urge you to protect yourself and your love ones by practicing social distancing. #StayHome