Be Wary of Being too Political

“Aim to cut out too much politics in the selection of your chapter officers. Select only those Brother for nomination who possess qualities of leadership, scholarship and character that you will feel proud in having them as leaders. Get rid of the machine politics whereby so many chapters are handicapped in carrying out any kind of program, which program would always react to the glory fame of dear old Alpha Phi Alpha. This latter suggestion can only be done by selecting as officers those whose known ability to lead and who are not candidates for office”. Jewel Nathaniel A. Murray – Founders’ Address – Sphinx 1947

My Brothers beloved in the Spirit of Alpha I greet you with a message of deep concern and boundless care. Far too often in attempts of reclaiming a Brother to the ranks of being an active member of the Fraternity I am met with stories of how CHAPTER POLITICS have discouraged and driven Brothers away.

In the passage above we see where in 1947 one of our beloved Jewels warned of politics taking precedence over selecting proper leadership in our respective House’s of Alpha. Furthermore, the warning notes how chapters are “handicapped in carrying out any kind of program” that truly brings glory to the Fraternity.

Politics as defined by Webster are “activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government.” How often can we as Brothers note of situations and circumstance within our noble organization where Brothers (our individual selves included) have taken steps or actions not for the glory of Alpha, but for the preservation of selfish motives or gain? This is the true enemy of the Alpha Spirit. It is the thing that we must constantly guard our individual hearts against as well as seek to stamp out within our respective Chapters, Areas, Districts and Regions.

“We have got to do something for Negroes, there is too much politics in this fraternity. I have seen men beaten so badly that three days [later] they could not walk. Another thing is that obnoxious black ball system. I saw a man at a meeting pick up a handful of black balls and said that he was going to black ball until times got better. We need good men, furthermore, this is a good fraternity.”  Jewel Vertner Woodson Tandy – 26th General Convention in New Orleans 1937

No individual member is greater than the whole. When we took our solemn oath to become men of this most noble organization, we committed to being a part of something bigger and greater than our individual selves. Hence, it is important that we give, “proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha”, to ensure that we do not fail in our duties or our task. I was often told as a child not to do right for the approval of others, but to do right for right’s sake. Hence, in our efforts to make being active the norm I encourage Brothers and Chapters to take an introspective look and consider when you conduct or execute the business of Alpha is it done with the glory of Alpha in mind or with the glory of self in mind. If it is the former I ask that you press on, if it be the latter I ask that you do some soul searching and seek the light until you gain the proper Alpha Spirit because “We need good men, this is a good fraternity.” and only through placing “Service above Self” will we succeed in accomplishing the mission, aims and objectives of our dear ol A-Phi-A.

So Brothers please move forward in the true spirit of Alpha with the good of the brotherhood at the precipice of all that you do knowing that “In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served”

About the author: Kirk Carrington